Year Sort descending | Title | County | Irrigation | Crop | Topic | Yield Difference | Yield Significance | |
2021 | Manual Downforce vs Active Downforce at Medium and Heavy SettingStudy ID: 0709047202102 |
Dawson | SDI | Corn | Equipment, Downforce | N/A | N/A | Significant
2021 | Soybean Planted Into: Cover Crop Mix vs No Cover CropStudy ID: 0708077202101 |
Greeley | Pivot | Soybean | Crop Management, Cover Crops | N/A | N/A | Not SignificantNo Data |
2021 | Standard Seed Treatment (Lumisena™, EverGol® Energy, Gaucho®, Rhizobia) vs Standard Seed Treatment + ILeVOStudy ID: 0811185202101 |
York | Pivot | Soybean | Crop Protection, Sudden Death Syndrome | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Sensor-based Fertigation (risk-averse constrained) vs Sensor-based Fertigation (risk-averse post-establishment) vs Grower's N ManagementStudy ID: 0815093202102 |
Hall | Pivot | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Nitrogen, Fertigation, In-season Applications/Sidedress, Sensor Based In-season Nitrogen, Drone Based Management | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Adapt-N Crop Model Variable-rate, In-season N Management vs Grower's N ManagementStudy ID: 1372099202101 |
Kearney | Pivot | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Nitrogen, Variable Rate Fertilizer, In-season Applications/Sidedress, Model Based In-Season Nitrogen | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Pivot Bio vs No Pivot Bio at Full N Rate and Reduced N RateStudy ID: 0709047202101 |
Dawson | Gravity | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Additives/Stabilizers, Nitrogen, Plant Growth Regulators, Stimulants, Biologicals, Other Plant Growth Regulators, Stimulants, Biologicals | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Xyway™ LFR Fungicide at Planting vs CheckStudy ID: 0802159202103 |
Seward | None | Corn | Crop Protection, Fungicide | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Sensor-based Fertigation (risk-averse constrained) vs Sensor-based Fertigation (risk-averse post-establishment) vs Grower's N ManagementStudy ID: 1260079202101 |
Hall | Pivot | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Nitrogen, Fertigation, In-season Applications/Sidedress, Sensor Based In-season Nitrogen, Drone Based Management | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Project SENSE (Sensor-based In-season N Management) vs Grower's N ManagementStudy ID: 0811185202102 |
York | Pivot | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Nitrogen, Variable Rate Fertilizer, In-season Applications/Sidedress, Sensor Based In-season Nitrogen | N/A | N/A | Significant
2021 | Corn Planted Following Dormant and Interseeded Cover Crop vs Dormant Seeded Cover Crop vs No Cover Crop CheckStudy ID: 0815093202101 |
Hall | Pivot | Corn | Crop Management, Cover Crops | N/A | N/A | Not SignificantNo Data |
2021 | UAN with MicroSource DCD vs UAN with No InhibitorStudy ID: 0620059202102 |
Fillmore | Pivot | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Additives/Stabilizers, Nitrogen | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Xyway™ LFR Fungicide at Planting vs CheckStudy ID: 1253019202101 |
Buffalo | Pivot | Corn | Crop Protection, Fungicide | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Early Maturity Group vs Late Maturity Group SoybeansStudy ID: 0802159202102 |
Seward | None | Soybean | Crop Management, Variety Selection | N/A | N/A | Significant
2021 | Project SENSE (Sensor-based In-season N Management) vs Grower's N ManagementStudy ID: 0621023202101 |
Butler | Pivot | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Nitrogen, Variable Rate Fertilizer, In-season Applications/Sidedress, Sensor Based In-season Nitrogen | N/A | N/A | Significant
2021 | Project SENSE (Sensor-based In-season N Management) vs Grower's N ManagementStudy ID: 1268067202201 |
Gage | None | Wheat | Fertility and Soil Management, Nitrogen, Variable Rate Fertilizer, In-season Applications/Sidedress, Sensor Based In-season Nitrogen | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Anhydrous Ammonia with FunctioN vs Anhydrous Ammonia with Centuro vs Anhydrous Ammonia with no InhibitorStudy ID: 1247127202101 |
Richardson | None | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Additives/Stabilizers, Nitrogen | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Accomplish LM (1 qt/ac) vs CheckStudy ID: 0620059202101 |
Fillmore | Pivot | Corn | Plant Growth Regulators, Stimulants, Biologicals, Other Plant Growth Regulators, Stimulants, Biologicals | N/A | -1.20 | Not Significant
2021 | Innoculant vs No InnoculantStudy ID: 0152013202101 |
Box Butte | Pivot | Dry Edible Beans | Fertility and Soil Management, Inoculant | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Early Maturity Group vs Late Maturity Group SoybeansStudy ID: 0802159202101 |
Seward | Gravity | Soybean | Crop Management, Variety Selection | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | PSNT -30 vs PSNT vs PSNT +30 vs PSNT -30 with Pivot BioStudy ID: 0996037202101 |
Colfax | None | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Additives/Stabilizers, Nitrogen, In-season Applications/Sidedress | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Soybeans Planted Into: Winter Terminated Cover Crop vs Winter Hardy Cover CropStudy ID: 0656127202102 |
Nemaha | None | Soybean | Crop Management, Cover Crops | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | 100 lb N/ac as Anhydrous Ammonia + 30 lb N/ac UAN vs 150 lb N/ac as Anhydrous Ammonia + 30 lb N/ac UAN vs 200 lb N/ac as Anhydrous Ammonia + 30 lb N/ac UANStudy ID: 1111081202101 |
Hamilton | Pivot | Corn | Fertility and Soil Management, Nitrogen | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Draco vs Andromeda vs Virgo vs 14172Study ID: 0152013202102 |
Box Butte | Pivot | Dry Edible Beans | Crop Management, Variety Selection, Equipment, Direct Harvest Method | N/A | N/A | Not Significant
2021 | Xyway™ LFR Fungicide at Planting vs CheckStudy ID: 1121019202101 |
Buffalo | Pivot | Corn | Crop Protection, Fungicide | N/A | N/A | Significant
2021 | 3 Crop Rotation with Cover Crop vs Corn-Soybean RotationStudy ID: 0933053202101 |
Dodge | None | Soybean | Crop Management, Crop Rotation, Cover Crops | N/A | 0.00 | Undetermined